

How to edit profile?

  1. Tap on the Dashboard icon to get started! As the icon suggests , editing your memboro profile is a quick and easy process.
  2. Tap on the Settings icon on the left side of the screen.
  3. Now you can edit your profile page details.
    1. Adding a Cover pic - Add a suitable cover pic for your profile page.
    2. Adding a Profile pic - Add a suitable profile pic for your profile page so that your fans can find you easily.
    3. Editing Personal Information - Update your personal information according to your wish. (This information won’t be visible to public)
    4. Adding a Short Bio - Add a short bio for your profile to let your fans know about what you do.
    5. Linking Social Media -
      1. Instagram - Insert your instagram profile link in the given text field.
      2. Youtube - Insert your youtube channel link in the given text field.
      3. Facebook - Insert your facebook profile link in the given text field.
      4. Discord - Follow Discord integration steps below.

How to integrate Discord?

  1. Tap on the Dashboard icon to get started! As the icon suggests, integrating Discord is a quick and easy process.
  2. Tap on the Settings icon on the left side of the screen.
  3. Now you’ll be able to integrate your discord. Tap on the ‘connect your discord’ button .
  4. You’ll be taken to discord’s integration page , Enter your server name.
  5. discord-1
  6. Tap on Continue and give Memboro access to your discord account.
  7. discord-2
  8. After clicking on Continue , Authorise Memboro to manage roles according to your Memborships.
  9. discord-3
  10. Once you click on ‘Authorise’ your discord server will automatically work with Memboro.